As a former City-As School graduate I have the immense pleasure and advantage of knowing first hand the importance of seeing art in school settings. Please visit to learn more about their philosophy and approach to learning through internships which has been helping New York City kids like myself find their calling and create their own path since 1972. I am forever grateful to be able to know my work is in the same building as other names such as Kobra, and Magda Love but most importantly I am so proud to have been able to create this experience for my students. Sustainability matters and our world depends on our compassion as temporary inhibitors. This was an opportunity to inspire future generations while showing them anything is possible as long as you care.
I worked alongside New York Edge and the Summer Elementary Beacon Program to create this mural in the halls of City-As School (CAS). As a Visual Art Specialist I lead an 8 week program with about 40 summer camp kiddos ranging from ages 5 to 12. We read The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, a cautionary tale with a critically important message on ensuring we care after the Earth. Collectively we pulled important characters, symbols, colors, and quotes from the book to best represent our message revolving the environment. Each week I taught them different elements that helped us tackle this mural as a team such as Brainstorming, Color Theory, and Scaling with the use of templates.
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